Dr. Kruse was born and raised in Huntsville, MO. He was part of the Westran football team and FFA. He was first exposed to chiropractic care after his family was involved in an accident and were being treated by a local chiropractor in Moberly, MO.
After graduating from undergrad, at Mizzou in 2017, Dr. Kruse watched chiropractic care heal his wife from low back pain and was inspired to make chiropractic his career.
Dr. Kruse, and his family, moved to the Saint Louis area to attend Logan University – College of Chiropractic, and then graduated in the spring of 2022. He is passionate about helping and healing others and is excited about the opportunity to be able to help those in his home community.
When he’s not in the office, Dr. Kruse enjoys being an avid outdoorsman, playing with his kids, and being an active member of his church.